Financy Glossary
The online dictionary of financial terms

Financial advisers and other finance professionals will sometimes use financial language that is hard to understand. This is usually due to them being so used to the language that they forget that their clients sometimes have a hard time understanding the terms they are using. Finance glossaryMany feel too embarrassed to ask what the language the professional real means and end up making decisions based on less information than they really need to make an informed decision. Some unscrupulous individuals use this tactic to sell financial products such as Warrants, Swaps and CFD:s that are unsuitable for the client they are selling them to.

With this in mind, we have created A website where you can look up words and see what your financial adviser is trying to tell or not to tell you. The website is available for all phones with an internet connection and makes it possible to look up a word while in the office of the financial adviser. We do however usually recommend that you ask the adviser to write down all the advice he is giving you. That way you can review the information and look up words at your speed and in your own home. This makes it easier to reflect on what the information means for you.

We never recommend making a decision right there while talking to the finance professional. It is always better to sleep on the information before you make a decision. It is a big red flag if the adviser tells you that you have to make a decision right away or miss out. This is never the case if you are looking for a new adviser. A good adviser insists that you take your time before making a decision. An adviser that you have worked with for some time and whit whom you have a good relationship can sometimes let you in on time-sensitive deals. In this case, it is not a red flag.

We recommend that you try to get to the point where you no longer need our website. Where you have learned everything we have to teach you. The more you know, the more successful you will become in the finance game.

Most searched terms

Below you can read a short explanation of the most searched terms on our website.

  1. Binary Options: binary options are a type of high-risk financial instrument used to speculate on future market movement. A binary option is tied to an underlying asset such as a stock, an index, a currency pair or a commodity. It is the market movements of the underlying financial asset that dictates whether a binary option matures in the money or not. A binary option has two possible outcomes. You lose your entire investment or you make a large profit. Often 80% or more.  Read more about binary trading.
  2. Gearing: Gearing is a term that tells you if a company is leveraged or not. It compares the company’s net debt to its equity capital. This shows you how much debt the company has taken on to leverage higher growth.
  3. Pro Forma Invoice: A type of invoice that is sent from one company to another. A Pro Forma invoice is sent before any goods are sent out and it is a way to guarantee that the company gets paid for products it sells to another company. This is especially common if the buyer has financial problems and when the two companies lack a prior relationship.
  4. Preference shares: A type of shares that give the holder special benefits compared to other stockholders. The benefits can vary between different types of preferred shares. A common benefit assigned to preferred shares is that the holder is guaranteed a fixed dividend each year.
  5. Unsecured loan: An unsecured loan is a loan where the loan taker doesn’t provide the loan giver with any security when he borrows money. This type of loan usually carries a higher interest rate than secured loans and you probably know them better by payday loans, personal loans and credit cards. This is due to the fact that unsecured loans are associated with a higher risk for the bank than secured loans such as auto loans and mortgages.

This article was last updated on: April 28, 2022